Call Me Chihiro (2023) and the Oddness of Solitude

I wanted that if I said, "This is nice," that someone would say, "That is nice." And if I asked, "Right?" someone would say, "That's right." I guess… that's all I ever wanted.

There is a quiet oddness to solitude. The littlest things become things to keep you company; the stillness of the air, the soft hum of the radiator, the flickering light across the street. The slow creep of a sunrise, the chill of the wind as it licks you through the open window. Your eyes drift, yet your mind lingers.

Chihiro navigates a sea of troubles with sombre lightness. She is a drifter, searching for herself in the glow of the moon, in the patter of the rain, in the fur coats of kittens, in the hearts of others.

- Tell me, why are you open on a day like this?

- Oh. Well… I love the rain. It always makes me feel like going out, maybe to go dancing. ...I thought, "There must be others out there like me."

And when she has found another, she will keep searching.

Are you thinking of going far away? It's okay. You can stop running away now. No matter how fast you run or how far you go, your loneliness will follow.

Originally posted on Letterboxd on 30th May 2024


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