Happy Together (1997) and Moving Forward

 Lai Yiu-fai... we could start over.

Stunning. Fai's life is black and white and Po Wing is colour; an intense soulful yearning against the trappings of an idealised romance, the comfort of familiarity clouds better judgement, the two of them perpetually locked in the embrace of a waltz.

Fai cares for Po Wing like a wounded bird, gently nursing him back to health, yet Po Wing only knows flight, unable to commit to anything but untethered drifting amongst the clouds... Flickers of happiness amid the torrid frustrations and anger flirt with your desires to leave and to stay...

Happy Together is about moving past unhealthy attachment and admitting the harshest truth to yourself; that sometimes the one your heart so desperately desires is not someone that is good for you

beautiful beautiful I love you wong kar wai

I finally understood how he could be happy running around so free. It's because he has a place he can always return to.

Originally posted on Letterboxd on 27th May 2024


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